We can't say much except that we took gas last night. Sharon's car broke down on her way to Concord and the rest went downhill from there. While we struggled to find our shots, Shamrock and Darcy plunged their daggers into us for a 4-0 sweep, Mashed Up Leftovers improved to 31-17 while we fell to 29-19. I didn't get confirmation but I was told One Time went 1-3 and Beer & Balls split 2-2. If true, we're in a three-way tie for second place, two games behind Mashed Up Leftovers.
WEEK 12 01 02 03 SER AVG
Sharon (160)(160)(160)(480)(160)
Olivia 142 124 107 373 124
Mark 163 166 243 572 191
Gary 104 113 147 364 121
Total 569 563 657 1789 149
Sharon 191 531 161
Olivia 181 469 136
Mark 243 607 184
Gary 220 528 156
Team 771 2056 161
BTW, my worksheet rounds up if the first decimal is 5-9 and it rounds down if it's 0-4. Our league stat sheets round everything down. So if your average is 162.7, my sheet will show your average is 163 and our league stat sheet will show it as 162.