Friday, March 8, 2013


We bowl Saturday at 2:00 PM
As we discussed yesterday, Sharon's league at Stars on Wednesday nights had to suspend play for half of the league this week. They rescheduled the missed games for Monday, March 11th which would be fine except Sharon can't be in two places at once.

The only reasonable solution we could find to this conflict is for us to pre-bowl Monday night's games this Saturday afternoon. This will alow Sharon to make up the games her other league rescheduled for Monday night while also preventing us from bowling without her.

I made the arrangements with Gina at Diablo Valley Bowl last night. We bowl at 2:00 PM on Saturday. DVB has an afternoon cosmic bowling session beginning at 4:00 so we can't afford to be late or goofing around with other activities while we're supposed to be bowling.

NOTE: Coach won't be able to bowl with us Saturday afternoon. He will bowl Monday night on the regular schedule. Sharon, Olivia, and I will pre-bowl on Saturday.


WEEK 10 01  02  03  SER   G  PINS   AVG  HG   HS 200 500 600 700
Sharon 178 137 112  427  30  4871 162.4 215  559   3   5   0   0
Olivia 138 128 136  402  27  4198 155.5 224  509   3   4   0   0
Mark   176 169 196  541  30  5775 192.5 247  706  11   7   2   1
Gary   191 188 148  527  29  4454 153.6 211  530   1   2   0   0
Total  683 622 592 1897 116 19298 166.4 794 2170  18  18   2   1

1 comment:

  1. Sorry, Coach. We didn't give you much help.

    Sharon 178-137-112-427
    Olivia 138-128-136-402
    Mark 176-169-196-541
