Tuesday, January 15, 2013



  1. If ball is seen
    please call 1800 roll me

  2. Ha-ha! Here is the full story as I understand it.
    1. Peter's spare ball didn't return after his shot.
    2. After waiting patiently for it to return and having no result, Peter went to the control desk to report the problem.
    3. While away from the lanes, Peter's ball finally returned and everyone resumed bowling.
    4. One of the other bowlers dropped a towel over Peter's ball, shielding it from view.
    5. Peter returned to the lanes but nobody told him his ball came back.
    6. Still lacking his spare ball, Peter sought additional help. The mechanic searched in the back but didn't find anything. Then he came out and pulled up a couple of the floor panels and searched the canal with a flashlight. No luck there either. The mystery continues...
    7. A few frames later, the owner of the towel lifted it off of Peter's ball. Ta-da!
