Monday, November 26, 2012


1 win, 3 losses
We struggled most of the night and managed only one point. If not for The Coach and Olivia picking us up in the second game, we'd have been swept. As it was, we came out of it 1-3. Hard charging Team 5 went 4-0 to gain three points on us and close our lead to five points. (Hey, Peter. If you're reading this, how about picking a team name already? If you don't, I'm going to name your team Ifrancene VanDerHopper.)

WEEK 12 01  02  03  SER   AVG   G  PINS   AVG  HG   HS
Sharon 139 124 184  447 149.0  36  5997 166.6 234  551
Olivia 133 171 102  406 135.3  33  4757 144.2 207  492
Mark   192 145 203  540 180.0  36  6943 192.9 248  625
Gary   153 200 146  499 166.3  36  5809 161.4 206  540
TEAM   617 640 635 1892 157.7 141 23506 166.7 805 2138

Mike's 300 game

A tip of the cap goes out to Mike Tomimoto of the inappropriately named One Pin Standing. Mike left no pins standing as he bowled a perfect 300 in the first game on lanes 15-16. Well done, Mike.

Another tip of the cap goes out to The Coach who deserves a heap of credit for his effort this evening. Someone broke into The Coach's car yesterday and stole his bowling bag. Thankfully, he still had a couple of balls he bought from Brandon a few months ago and he was able to get a new pair of shoes from Pinole Bowlers Supply on short notice. (Thanks, Garrett!) The new shoes were stiff and The Coach had to bowl without his polyester spare ball but he was the only one of us to raise his average tonight. Well done, Coach.

The full stat sheet can be viewed by clicking here or on the LEAGUE STAT SHEETS link in the LEAGUE INFORMATION section in the right column.

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